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Did Your Windows Get Storm-Damaged?

When a summer storm strikes, homeowners don’t give much thought about getting in touch with local residential window services for inspections and repairs. This makes sense because bad weather usually only damages the roof, leaving the windows intact and unaffected. However, your windows can still suffer greatly from severe weather and it’s important to include them in your post-storm recovery routine.

Your windows make up an essential part of your exteriors and they serve a critical role in keeping you safe against the elements. So keeping them in good shape after some inclement weather is extremely important. Here are a few tips from our experts at Renewal by Andersen® of Rapid City on how to protect your windows from the unexpected summer storm.

Assessing the Damage

The best way to really get a good picture of how much damage your windows have suffered after some bad weather is with the help of a professional replacement window contractor. Call them as soon as the storm clears up to fully assess the condition of your windows and to help you in filing an insurance claim for the damage.

Proper Documentation

You can expect your local contractors to be fully booked in the period following a bad storm. As you wait for a professional to come out and inspect your windows, take this opportunity to document the extent of the damage yourself. This means walking around your home and taking pictures of all signs of visible damage you can spot. Getting everything properly documented will help you with your insurance claim for repairs or replacement.

Regular Maintenance

When your windows are well taken care of by a reputable window installation company, they are less likely to fall victim to common storm, wind, or hail-related problems. Make sure that your replacement windows are inspected regularly to keep them in good shape all year-round.

At Renewal by Andersen® of Rapid City, you can count on our experts to help you with all your storm-damaged windows. Give us a call at (605) 341-7831 or fill out our contact form to schedule an inspection and get a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in Rapid City and all nearby areas in SD.


"The Andersen crew was very prompt and professional, and was finished in 1 day. Great!"

Terri Vaughn
May 10

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