Fraud Blocker 4 Bad Window Maintenance Habits You Should Change
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4 Bad Window Maintenance Habits You Should Change

Windows should be cared for properly to avoid expensive repairs and replacements, improve your home’s air quality and lower indoor humidity levels. In this post, Renewal by Andersen® of Rapid City shares the four problematic window maintenance habits you should change to maintain the lifespan and performance of your windows.

4 Bad Window Maintenance Habits You Should Change

1. Cleaning Windows Irregularly 

Always clean your windows regularly. Dust, dirt, pollen and bird droppings can accumulate on your windows if they aren’t routinely cleaned and cause insulation issues, moisture infiltration and frame discoloration over time.

2. Delaying Window Replacements

Cracks in glass panes, warping in wood frames or broken seals are all signs that something needs immediate attention before further harm comes upon your property. Your windows may be damaged from strong winds or heavy rains outside, causing water leakage inside. Any unresolved water infiltration problems can lead to further structural issues inside walls and ceilings and mold growth due to moisture accumulation.

3. Infrequent Window Insulation and Seal Checks

Poor insulation around your house’s doors and windows leads to cold air coming inside during wintertime and hot air entering during summer months, making HVAC systems work harder. Seals surrounding each pane should be periodically checked since they provide additional protection against extreme temperature changes that affect comfort levels indoors. 

4. Poor Window Installations

If new windows aren’t installed correctly, then they can’t protect your home effectively against the elements and intruders. When installing new windows, they must be correctly fitted into their frames. Otherwise, air infiltration issues could lead to drafts during cold weather and moisture buildup on interior walls. Prevent this by getting a professional to do the job for you. 

It’s crucial to have a professional window replacement company that you can trust to install and maintain your windows properly. Renewal by Andersen of Rapid City in Rapid City offers high-quality window installation and maintenance services. Our experienced team ensures well-installed windows and can recommend great options that suit your home’s aesthetic and functional needs. Call us today at (605) 341-7831 or use this contact form to get an estimate.


"The Andersen crew was very prompt and professional, and was finished in 1 day. Great!"

Terri Vaughn
May 10

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